Thursday, April 23, 2015

a little puppy named kayden.

If you want to get technical about it, technically Kayden cried on and off (mostly on) through his entire session. And only fell asleep at the very end. Can you tell?? Exactly.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

mother's day minis practice round.

I am so excited to host my very first set of mini sessions. I had my practice run with a pair of gorgeous sisters who are looking forward to surprising their mom with the photos for Mother's Day. They modeled my props beautifully. Am I right?

I had some more ideas for the balloons, but my AHEM assistant AHEM (my mom) accidently let them go...but I couldn't fire her because she quit. Too much pressure.

Ah, don't you just love her? She is a former student of mine and sometimes I pretend she's my daughter.

I edited these photos with a vintage overlay because I felt the session had a very vintage feel about it. The lace, the flower crowns, the old fashioned bike. I did give the girls a basic edit as well just in case they don't care for the vintage look, since they are teenagers and everything.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

editing tips.

If you have any type of Photoshop (I have Elements 12) you should be able to make some unwanted thing in a picture disappear using the clone stamp tool. All I have to do is press "s" and it automatically makes this tool accessible to me. I am going to show a before and after photo where I used to clone stamp tool and a few actions to kind of blend away a feeding tube.


Okay, to use the clone stamp tool you have to drag your mouse over an area and press the alt button at the same time. For example, I wanted the tube to disappear but leave behind skin so I held my alt button and dragged the mouse over an area of skin I wanted to "clone", let go of the alt and dragged my mouse over the tube, blending it away. It took some time to match that skin tone, and my perfectionist self still doesn't think it looks perfect, but this little girl's mom is just excited that she can have 7 month photos without a tube in her daughter's nose. To finish up I used the creamy skin smoother action I purchased in the Greater Than Gatsby Newborn Essentials Collection (which I absolutely recommend) all over her face, brightened her eyes like I would any other photo and then added another action that I thought brought out the colors nicely. Here are a few more from this shoot.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

debut maternity photo shoot.

Today I had my very first maternity photo session with my lovely friend Alicia, her hubby, and her adorable bump. It was super last minute, but between the two of us we came up with some cute poses, and even added some maternity boudoir. Here are the highlights of Alicia with her clothes on.

Okay, the rest she has her clothes on.


 Puppy paws on the belly! So sweet.