Monday, December 1, 2014

my first gig.

I've always wanted to get into professional photography, I've just been wary about it because anyone with an DSLR camera seems to think they are a professional photographer these days. I have always taken good pictures, I have "the eye" as my friends and I like to call it, but I wasn't confident enough to really put myself out there. I didn't want to look silly. In November one of my besties called me to ask if I could take some newborn pictures for a friend because her little one cried through her whole first attempt at a session. My first instinct was to tell her absolutely not, I have never taken pictures of a newborn baby before, and I am not trying to make people think that I think I'm a professional photographer at this point. But my friend made me feel so good about myself, like I could do anything. Like I was already a professional to her. So I googled how to use my Rebel for newborn photos and accepted the challenge. This is how it went.

I had already received Photoshop Elements 12 for my birthday, and I needed a good reason to start teaching myself how to use it, this beautiful baby was it. I still don't think I'm ready for the big leagues yet, but getting such a wonderful response from my very first photo shoot made me feel confident enough to take on other gigs over the holiday season.